Lip mask nourishing lips. Soft, light, pale color. Help treat and restore smooth, moist, plump, radiant lips with a mixture of 2% hyaluron, vitamin E, ceramide, combined with the value of 3 natural extracts to help retain moisture. and fill the groove of the mouth to be full
اغسل الشوائب باستخدام هذا المنظف الرغوي الذي يتحكم في الزيت! خالٍ من SLS و SLES ، ينظف وجهك بعمق برغوته الناعمة الحريرية ولطيفًا على البشرة بفضل Cocamidopropyl Betaine ، وهو عامل سطحي مصدره زيت جوز الهند للتخلص منه برفق.
Wash away impurities with this oil-controlling foaming cleanser! Free of SLS and SLES, it deeply cleanses your face with its silky-smooth foam and is gentle to skin thanks to Cocamidopropyl Betaine, a surfactant sourced from coconut oil to tenderly elimin
The skin is intensively nourished by using a facial mask sheet. Mangosteen extract tightens the skin and reduces dark circles and blotches Acne can create a lot of difficulties, so it's important to get rid of them.
Watermelon seed extract is included in the mask sheet. Aids in the prevention and addition of moisture to the skin. Freshens, brightens, and rejuvenates the skin.