Golden Cup Balm serves as a multi-purpose solution to a number of ailments most noticeable effective for combating headaches, muscular pain, insect bites and nasal congestion.
A balm to relieve itching, such as after mosquito bites, simply apply balm to the bite. Stimulating blood flow and helping to relieve pain as soon as possible.
Recommendable for shoulder stiffness and muscular ache. Newly-formulated which contains Benzyl Nicatinate and Vanillylamide Nonylate as active ingredients relieves shoulder stiffness and muscular aches.
Happy Noz, Organic onion sticker plus turmeric, Body protection formula for relieving allergy, runny nose. 100% organic with fast action and 12 hours duration .
help relieve colds, allergies, and nasal congestion. Its main ingredient is onion which is a powerful all-natural catalyst to help relieve nasal congestion. Recommended for viral infections with clear sno .
Happy Noz, Organic Onion Sticker with Tea Tree Oil, for Relieving Allergy and stuffy Nose , Safe for Baby and Easy to use, just Stick on Clothes or mask. 6 Patches/Box with 12 Hours Duration .
help relieve colds, allergies, and nasal congestion. Its main ingredient is ginger oil which is a powerful all-natural catalyst to help relieve nasal congestion expel phlegm, reduce inflammation of the lungs..